Property Content

Hilton provides the Content API for pulling detailed property data that partners require, including room type data. Partners may choose to call the API based on their needs (once daily/weekly/etc.) so that latest content is available to them.

We are in the process of retiring various property Extract files delivered by various methods including Hilton’s weekly FTP extract file and Global Merchant Participation Report spreadsheet. This information is available via Content API. Images and media will continue to be supported through IcePortal.

NOTE - This API is not meant to handle high volume and should not be called as part of a guest’s shopping flow. The static property data delivered through this API is meant to be stored by the partner.

The Propextracts endpoint returns the full list of active Hilton properties along with property details for each.

If you are interested in the Content API please reach out to your Hilton contact who can start the access process.

Download Content API Swagger here

Customizing request messages

Property content calls can be customized in three ways: Filters, Limit, Offset

  1. Limit (Recommended) – sets how many records to return in the response
    1. Default limit=100
    2. Recommended limit=50, if faster response time is needed, it recommended to set limit=10
    3. NOTE: depending on response size, fewer records may be returned. Always confirm the value using the response header
  2. Offset (Required) – set where to start processing records
    1. Offset changes incrementally from 0 based on the Limit until no response is returned. Example, if limit=50, offset will be 0,50,100 etc.
    2. NOTE: the offset for each call should be set to the offset in the response
  3. Filters – allows only matching records to be returned in the response
    1. EXAMPLE, for fields
    2. EXAMPLE, for arrays

Customizing response messages

Property content responses can be customized in two ways: Sort, Fields

  1. Sort – allows records in the response to be sorted in a specific order
    1. EXAMPLE
  2. Fields – allows only the required fields to be returned.
    1. See Experience Patterns

Ready to try it out?

Once you have been given access to Hilton STG environment you can use the below calls to evaluate the property content.

Please note that responses will be returned as HTTP 206 partial content responses due to large response size. Multiple API calls will need to be made to fetch complete response.

  • All data for all properties -
  • All data for one property -
  • Data to match weekly HTE extract -,props.propDetail,props.propertyInfrastructure,props.state,,props.propDetail.ratings,props.chain,props.locationDetails,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes,props.propDetail.gdsPropCodes,props.propDetail.gdsPropCodes.gdsPartner,policy,policy.registrationPolicy&fields=ctyhocn,,props.propCode,props.addressLine1,props.addressLine2,props.addressLine3,props.addressLine4,,props.stateCode,props.postalCode,props.countryCode,props.propDetail.ratings.starRating,props.distributionChainCode,props.facilityChainCode,props.locationDetails.onlineLatitude,props.locationDetails.onlineLongitude,props.propDetail.phoneNumberFull,policy.registrationPolicy.checkinTime,policy.registrationPolicy.checkoutTime,props.propDetail.updatedAt,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasRestaurants,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasFitnessCenter,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.allowsPets,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasTennisCourt,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasRealGolf,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasMeetingRooms,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasPools,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasWhirlpool,props.propertyInfrastructure.hasPublicWireless,props.propertyInfrastructure.hasInRoomHSIA,props.propertyInfrastructure.hasIndoorPool,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasGuestHSIA,props.propDetail.gdsPropCodes[].gdsPropCode,props.propDetail.gdsPropCodes[].gdsPartner.description,props.propDetail.gdsPropCodes[].gdsPartner.code,props.propDetail.hotelWebsiteDescription,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasBusinessCenter,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.wheelChairAccess,props.propDetail.faxNumber,
  • Data for Hilton properties that support child-based pricing, along with specific age ranges -,props.propDetail,props.propDetail.childPricing,props.propDetail.childPricing.childAgeRanges,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes&fields=props.propCode,props.propDetail.childPricing.defaultAge,props.propDetail.childPricing.adultAge,props.propDetail.childPricing.updatedTime,props.propDetail.childPricing.childAgeRanges[].startChildAge,props.propDetail.childPricing.childAgeRanges[].endChildAge,props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasAgeBasedPricing&props.propDetail.propertyAttributes.hasAgeBasedPricing=true

If you require only a few details from the property data – or need examples not covered above – the API call can be customized to limit your response to those fields. Please reach out to our Distribution Platforms team with the details of what you need, and we will assist with creating a custom request message.

For additional information on pulling property content, please see Obtain Property Information | Hilton Dev Portal for documentation.