Here are a few tips to help you navigate Hilton’s APIs…
Server timeout threshold
While 99% of requests should return a response in under 1 second it is possible that response times could be longer in some cases. For shop requests this may be an annoyance but for reservation calls this could be more serious and lead to booking discrepancies. We recommend that your server timeout for DC Reservation calls be set to 27 seconds, which should catch 99.9% of delayed booking responses.
Load Testing
Hilton’s staging environment is not set up to handle same transaction volume as production. You should NOT load test in Hilton’s staging environment. If you they need to load test please reach out to your Hilton contact to discuss.
Trailing Zeros
You may notice that trailing zero’s are not shown on decimal fields within API responses. Ex: “amountAfterTax”: 4628.9,
This is a function of JSON. When defining an attribute as float or double, it inherently strips trailing insignificant zeros. Client applications should utilize the swagger contract definitions when mapping the JSON response object. Doing so, the client application would read the value into the same data types and then be free to format the numeric value as appropriate.
We recommend that you log hltMessageId for all requests that you send to Hilton. While most (properly-formatted) requests should receive a successful response, if you need to log a production support issue the hltMessageId must be provided.
Eg: urn:uuid:da9fc302-f49d-42c4-b03a-dcb13330b5f6